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Sunday - July 4, 2004

Well, we are off again on vacation - this time back to Denver and Aspen. Once again - eating in the E concourse at Atlanta.

Then we got to the gate - like the new ceiling decor.

Then on the airplane. This little girl was two seats in front of us.

The back of the bus.

Approach and landing at Denver.


Monday - July 5, 2004

Our hotel for the night.

Our room had the most placards I had ever seen in one location.

Our first stop was to see JB at the YMCA Rockies camp where he is working for the summer.

Then into Rocky Mountain National Park - Yep that's snow in July - of course that is also about 13000 feet up. We had to climb into our snugly sweaters when we got out of the car.

Well, they said the trailhead was marked by an outhouse. They did not lie. When you gotta go - you gotta go I guess.


Monday - July 5, 2004

Welcome to Glenwood Springs, home of hot springs and a VERY large pool.

THE Colorado River (as in eventually Grand Canyon). The pool is just in front of the hotel behind the trees.

Resting while walking in Glenwood Springs.

Up the hill for lunch in Aspen at the McDonalds. What other McDonalds do you know has its own reading area, complete with fireplace (to the left of the camera out of sight).

Outside our room at the Snowflake Inn.

A park in Aspen. Top picture - someone (not me) is learning to paraglide. Bottom picture - learning to fly fish (again not me.)

Tuesday - July 6, 2004

You gotta love this town. Here I am sitting on a park bench in the middle of Aspen uploading the very website you are viewing.

And the dogs are pretty much all cute.

The TENT - the conducting orchestra is getting ready for a freebee performance.

Wednesday - July 7, 2004

Off early in the morning to go hiking at Maroon Bells. They are maroon in color and someone thinks they are shaped like bells.

Parking lot preparing to hike.

This is pretty much what the trails look like. The lead dog is the only one whose view changes.

Look real close - the next to pictures are momma and the kid.

Another gorgeous view.

LUNCH at Boogies.

A pickup kickball game in the park. (tour group passing through)

Thursday - July 8, 2004

This hike nearly got us. 3 miles at a 6% slope to Cathedral Lake. Notice there is no picture of the lake. Have you ever tried to go up a stopped escalator for 3 miles, with rocks thrown in for effect?
The Trail.

MA got a little bored while I was wheezing trying to catch my breath.

Actually, I'm over to the left photographing a waterfall. (REALLY).

Turning around.


Shopping in the afternoon - entertainment.

OK - Guess what these do folks.

They heat up the roof during the winter so the snow will melt and run off.

Friday - July 8, 2004

A much better trail to a lake.

Up, Up, and Away

An actual lake. (Linkins Lake at 12200 feet - breath deep and often folks.)

We Made It.


Saturday - July 9, 2004

Don't you just love a room with a view.

Anyway, more street musicians out and about.

Saturday and a taste of Aspen festival.

We decided to ride up the mountain for lunch.

You actually can drive all the way up Aspen mountain in the summer.

Finally at the top.

And now for lunch. Another room with a view.

And BACK Down the Mountain.

Look closely, no kidding - a house with a real functioning observatory.

Sunday - July 10, 2004

The TENT - we are at a rehearsal on Sunday Morning for the afternoon's concert.

Behold Joshua Bell and SEVERAL million dollars worth of Stradivarius violin.

After the rehearsal we had lunch (BBQ Joint believe it or not) and headed up to Rudei Reservoir.

Waiting for the afternoon concert to start. Ho Hum.

He did REALLY good.

Our Last Supper in Aspen.

We are tired as the sun slowly sets on our stay here.

Monday - July 11, 2004

 And we're off (oh yes we are).

Bye Bye Colorado - hello Utah.

I don't care what the sign looks like, the neighborhood looks a little run down. Below is the view at the Utah welcome center. Oh me oh my.

Arches National Park - Moab Utah.

We slept.

We Ate.

And Mary Ann found a cute old car she liked.

Tuesday - July 12, 2004

And the next day we got out of Utah.

On the way across Arizona - you just don't know what you will see.

It really is a big hole.

Mather Point.

Da Bus Gus. (this is how you get most everywhere now at the Grand Canyon).

Wednesday - July 13, 2004

We decided to hike down into the canyon for a while (NOT to the bottom.) - South Kaibob Trailhead.

Don't you just love switchbacks.

It REALLY IS a BIG HOLE in the ground!

Da Trail.

Ok - enough fun already - We're tired and it's time to GO HOME.

Thanks for viewing.
