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Thursday - February 11, 2004

The house stork on the webcam.

The trick today will be finding a place to stay dry.

Looks like it might rain today - you think?


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Wednesday - February 11, 2004

Cloudy Yuk Day - 7:45 am 45 degrees - Rain likely - For example Highfalls Webcam this morning.


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Tuesday - February 10, 2004

I got tired of working today and went up to the cabin to see why the web camera wasn't working. Well, they changed my IP not from 1 or 2 addresses away, but from 68. whatever to 24. something - wowsers. Anyway, I went down to the park for picture taking - fun stuff. 

Here is the setup.

Talked to Josh tonight. He said this was no big thing. The address could basically go anywhere.


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Sunday - February 08, 2004

Cold - 20s and clear - beautiful winter day.


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Saturday - February 07, 2004

Saturday has dawned partly cloudy and cold - 26. The rain has gone. Josh is coming down for lunch at the cabin. We are off to the Marts, Wall mart - K mart etc. to get STUFF. The wind is blowing a ton out there folks.


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Friday - February 06, 2004

Wet rainy Yuk day (but warm 60+ degrees). I think this view from the High Falls webcam says it all. Behold the front porch and the lake beyond. We are off to Forsyth for Mexican food and then up to the cabin we go ha ha.


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Thursday - February 05, 2004

Cloudy but fairly warm today. Built the table for the mat cutter in the basement - actually worked quite well. That sucker is 40 plus inches long, but it cuts a great mat.

Testing the PCMCIA compact card flash reader. - Leo & Pat. We ate supper at Ryans then off to Best Buy.


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Wednesday - February 04, 2004

Cold Clear winter is here folks 25 degrees. Drinking coffee with the missus and the dog.


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Tuesday - February 02, 2004

The morning started off cold and miserable. Midday the sun came out and we got up to almost 60. This is primary day for the dems, looks like Kerry will be the nominee.

The LONG version of Dune, the first one, is on tonight. You can't beat a 19 minute monologue intro.