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Friday - March 30, 2007

On the 17th we went to Perry to see MASH - cute play - kind of jumpy from place to place in the story but cute.


On the 19th we went to Mercer for Bob Parris's annual Bach Concert


The Azaleas near the Church are in full bloom.



The 23rd saw us replacing the waterbed mattress at home.



The neighborhood dogs, some random day at the cabin.



Last Sunday - now THIS is the proper way to travel. As near as I can figure - 40 foot motorhome - CREW Cab Pickup with the Harley in the back.
OH Yeah - can I borrow that for a couple of weeks.


Sunrise this morning during my walk. - Lovely




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Wednesday - March 13, 2007

Been a few days - so a catch up time.


They burned off the pine forest floor behind us a week or so ago - Kind of smokey the next morning.


Dog Chasing in the front yard



We went to the Forsythia festival in Forsyth last weekend.


Really nice concert band playing


Horse shoe tournament. The young guy on the left appeared hopelessly outclassed. BEWARE of anyone who carries their own horseshoe picker upper stick so he doesn't have to lean over.


And FINALLY - Lunch at Ye Olde Dairy Queen - actually the new Dairy Queen in Forsyth.


I got into the burn party myself


And yesterday - the covered bridge on the way to Bostwicks for a quick update.



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Sunday - March 04, 2007

Gorgeous cold clear morning - off to church as usual etc etc. Last night was a lunar eclipse, but first we had a gorgeous sunset.


We were off to the Macon symphony for a Vivaldi (4 seasons) and Brahms (2nd symphony) concert.

First we have the assembling multitude


Here we are grimly awaiting the start at the Grand Opera house in Macon.


The soloist for the Vivaldi was great



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Saturday - March 03, 2007

Last Thursday night we had quite a storm come through Crawford county. This is the one that killed the kids in Enterprise Al. at the high school and went through Americus wiping out most of the hospital.

The weather map - UGLY


And the aftermath - a hundred or so pecan trees down near Damaras and Charles


High Falls is way up - this from our morning walk



Our escort during our walk - love the smile - really it is.


The cats are not coming off the porch.


And finally good old Grumpy next door.


But Spring is HERE and who cares.




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