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Sunday - Sept. 14, 2008

We started off EARLY to Maroon Bells.

The sun is just hitting the top of Maroon Bells in the background.


Josh is off in the meadow taking pictures.


That Josh in the middle on the bench.


We walked the double loop lake trail to kind of warm up to the altitude.


That water is COLD.


And then it is off to church. We went to the 11 AM Episcopal service being held at the Aspen Methodist Church.


Walking to lunch - you've got to admire a man with his own telescope enclosure on his house.


Lunch at Boogies Diner - Bill Clinton's favorite Aspen Restuarant.


Gondola Entrance


Going up.


Aspen is such a cute town.


The top of the mountain.


I know help is hard to find, but using dogs as cleanup - oh my.


Hmm - make your own joke here.


That afternoon - playing tourist. 1st the TENT.


Then the music school.


And finally - the road ends at the mountains above Ashcroft. From here, basically, you walk.