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Monday -  Sept. 15, 2008

We got up at O Dark Thirty (about 5:30 am) to hike to Crater Lake and get back in time to checkout.

Not only dark but COLD.


Off we go.


The sun is just beginning to hit the top of the Bells.


And welcome to Crater Lake.


Maroon Bells reflected in Crater Lake.


Going back is much nicer in the sunlight.


The House Rodent.


Maroon Lake facing the other way.


Back in Aspen. They REALLY know how to sweep a street.


They are working on 82 just before Independence Pass. It must be taking a while for them to put up a red light just to manage the one lane road.


It's COLD.


Lunch  on the way to Estes Park.


Cleaning the roof of the Johnson Tunnel on I70.


Snow in Rocky Mountain National Park.


And MORE snow.


The House Elk in RMNP. A touch above the House Rodent at Maroon Bells.