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Friday - March 10, 2006

11 Pictures on this page

Friday Dawned a Lovely Warm Chamber of Commerce Day.




George, Steve & I Got up REALLY early to head out to Windows. 


Ever wish you had stayed in bed.


I know that CREATE REALLY GOOD LIGHT setting is here somewhere.

After all, It's a NIKON !!!!



Hey, would we let a little snow stop us? Not hardly.



And there was a lot of beauty there. In a bar the door against the wolves sort of way.
Now I can brag in the summer when it is 95 in shade about how REALLY BAD it can get here.


Later that day, WE'RE BACK with the group.
Double Arch with Tourists.
Sorry to cut you half George.


The trees are impressive in the snow.



Then it's off to Landscape Arch.
Have you ever seen a less inspired picture than this? Well probably, but you might have to look for a while.



At times like this, a stiff drink often helps.



The LONG WALK Back to the vans.