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MSP Feb. 2012

Thursday Feb. 2, 2012

Breakfast in Terminal A
Mary Ann - Sallie Sirmon - Bill Sirmon


Huzzah - we have equipment.


Goodbye downtown Atlanta


Baggage claim MSP - we found our bags. So far so good.


Mall of America - Everybody is taking pictures.






Really? - We're going to ride the roller coaster?


Oh My.


Shop, Shop, Shop, Shop etc.


One! of the food courts at the mall.


Mine - no Mine - No MINE !!!


Friday Feb. 3, 2012

Minnehaha Park - South Minneapolis


It's COLD.


The Frozen Falls


1st Craven Attempt at Fame.


Still Cold.


2nd Craven Attempt at Fame.


Still Cold.


Another Fine Waterfall Shot


Lost on the tundra - It's that way - No that way.
Actually Lake Harriet - Minneapolis


A Proper Bookstore.


I Wanna Go Back to Dixie - Lunch (it was great)


Another Bookstore - Wonder who G. Keillor is.


O THAT G. Keillor.


A Little Lunch in Hudson Wisconsin. Might should lay off the pie.


Saturday Feb. 4, 2012

F. Scott? - Really. I never knew. Really
I shall now hang my head in shame.


No Comment. - Poster on the Skyway.


The warm weather was a tad hard on the ice sculptures.


My kind of fire department.


Mississippi River etc.


Musical Stairs at the Science Museum St. Paul


Landmark Center




Como Park 1


Como Park 2


Como Park 3 - We came 1200 miles to see Azaleas.


Early supper at Keys Cafe before Prairie Home Companion.


F. Scott Fitzgerald Theater. Really?


Fixin to start.


PHC right before intermission.


And then Fireworks for Winter Carnival!!


Sunday Feb. 5, 2012

Minneapolis Episcopal Cathederal


Delta actually is ready when we are. MSP airport on the way home.


Odd time to take up Irish Dancing - but whatever. It was a great time.




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