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Seattle - July 9, 2007

The line for the ferry to Seattle.




Here comes Seattle (note Space Needle on left).


I HAD to visit the Microsoft Campus. Notice Recruiting on the sign is just to the left down the road.


The Space Needle is SO TALL, I could only get the top of Mary Ann's head and not quite the top.


OK - so the traditional view.


The entrance to the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. Note the monorail tracks above.


We rode the monorail to get lunch.


The museum of wooden boats. The nice thing is they will take you for a ride in almost any of them (for a price.)



The next morning - goodbye Seattle - hello heading east - huzzahhh


While I thought it was a bit strange to drag my motorcycle all over this country,


I've got nothing on this guy. Talk about style points.


Yep, headed east.


Idaho goes by really really fast in that upper neck part.


And welcome to the Bozeman Holiday Inn for the next 2 nights.





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