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Personal Log for Week

05/30/2010 to 06/06/2010



Where is everybody, oh yeah - the time for church changed today.


Josh came down to lake cabin for supper.


Then he was off to Athens for Memorial day with the guys.



Off on our morning walk.


Trust me, it is REALLY HARD to find a place to each lunch in Barnesville on Memorial Day. This is our third or fourth try.



This is what the weather has been like.



The first decent picture with the new iphone.


The first blossom of the new gardinia planted last year.


The dog on early morning guard duty.






Out for the morning walk - the alien spawn has landed.



Haley Booker wedding rehearsal - Friday evening.




The aisle at the Methodist Church Fort Valley for Haley's wedding. Nice touch.


A lot of the family were gathered.


Huzzah for the Unity Candle.


The Lunsfords (plus MA) at the reception.



And then there was cake at the cabin - it's not really a lie.
Celebrating Josh's birthday a month early since we will be on vacation.


Chow Down.


The tradtional family interaction and discussion.