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Estes Park - Day 1 - July 3, 2007

The view from our front porch. Also the only place WiFi worked well.


Lily Lake


Our traditional warmup hike around Lily Lake.


It is beautiful out here.


The trail house bunny.


Up Up and Away.


Lily Lake


And from the other side.


Trail Ridge Road - Rocky Mountain National Park


Welcome to the park. This is the Grand Lake end of Trail Ridge Road.

Trail Ridge road is the highest maintained point to point (it goes from Estes Park to Grand Lake) road in the US.


Note the elevation 12125 on the GPS. The highest I ever got in my Cessna was around 8500 feet. The highest I saw it on the road was 12228 feet. The bike ran a tad rich.


It is REALLY clear up here.


HMmmm - Cup Check?


At Grand Lake for lunch on Tuesday.


Yep, the white stuff is snow.


You have to really concentrate not to get distracted when driving.






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