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Yellowstone & Mount Rushmore - July 11 - 14, 2007

I photographed this page to keep in my camera in case I needed to make an emergency call. We rode a 308 mile loop from Bozeman to West Yellowstone through the park on the Grand Loop road and back to Bozeman in one day.


Breakfast on the way down to Yosemite in Big Sky Montana



Yep, that Old Faithful - the most watched hole in the ground in the world - see next picture.


I'm guessing a couple of thousand people (there are more to the left) and there is essentially a completely new seating every 90 minutes.


And right on cue - TADA.


One thing I did not realize about Yellowstone is that is really way up in altitude. We crossed the continental divide twice on the loop.


Yellowstone Lake - See the mountains in the distance? Keep in mind that you are in the caldera of a not so extinct volcano. Where do you think the geysers and hot springs come from?


Onward to Mount Rushmore - Thursday - July 12, 2007


Montana is gorgeous. Headed off to Mount Rushmore.


Gotta love a catchy slogan.


Maybe another year.


We made it.


I must be tired. Notice the carefully crafted centering on the exquisite pile of rubble.


A well executed if perfectly ordinary shot, until you notice that that is George's head up there at the top. This is called Profile View Turnout.


And just to prove we were there.


And THE LAST SHOT. To the left there is Mt. Rushmore. This is Friday morning at 7:30 AM. At noon the next day we were eating lunch at the Atlanta Bread company south of the airport in Atlanta, and then to home by 2:00 Saturday. Trust me THAT WAS A DRIVE.


Sorry, I couldn't resist. How do you get from Georgia to Colorado to Canada to Seattle to Yellowstone to Mount Rushmore to Georgia in two weeks?

Credit card receipts !!!!!


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